First Meeting
The first international meeting of the Project Management Group of the Erasmus+ programme was held at Cracow University of Technology in Kraków, on 4 December 2014.
The following persons participated in the meeting:
- on the behalf of Cracow University of Technology: Dariusz Bogdał, Katarzyna Matras-Postolek, Roman Popielarz, Otmar Vogt, Joanna Żelazny;
- on the behalf of Fachhochschule Münster, Germany: Michael Bredol, Julian Plewa, Ines Roman;
- on the behalf of Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal: Filomena Barreiro, Vicente Leite, Luís Pais;
- on the behalf of École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, France: Marek Czernicki.
- Opening of the meeting and the presentation of the partners
- Introduction – the aim of the project and main actions (results);
- Agreement for funding;
- Terms and conditions of project realisation – cost categories;
- Managing the project finances;
- Types of basic control;
- IT tools;
- Discussion
At the start of the meeting, every partner presented shortly their university, and then the aim of the project and the main actions (results) were briefly restated. Next, as the main point of the meeting, the Agreement for funding was discussed which the Coordinator proposes to sign with each Beneficiary, similar to the one the Coordinator had signed with the National Agency. The main topics of the discussion concerned payment and settlement methods, agreement rates, schedules, etc.
After settling the version of the agreement, terms and conditions for the project realisation were presented, including cost categories, project financial management, types of control, and IT tools which would be used in the project.
Next, the dates of meetings and trainings were settled, including the next meeting and the first training. Moreover, the topic of the internet webpage of the project was discussed, as well as of the platform where the developed e-learning courses would be implemented.
The meeting was concluded with a lunch at the university. Later that day, an integration dinner was held in the evening.
On 5 December 2014, several laboratories on renewable sources of energy were visited at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology and at the Lesser Poland Energy Efficient Construction Centre, CUT.