Second Meeting
The second international meeting of the Project Management Group of the Erasmus+ programme was held at Instituto Politécnico de Bragança in Bragança, Portugal, on 14-15 July 2015.
The following persons participated in the meeting:
- on the behalf of Cracow University of Technology: Dariusz Bogdał, Katarzyna Matras-Postołek, Joanna Żelazny, Roman Popielarz, Szczepan Bednarz;
- on the behalf of Fachhochschule Münster, Germany: Michael Bredol;
- on the behalf of Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal: Filomena Barreiro, Vicente Leite, Luís Pais, Helder Gomes, Olga Ferreira, Simão Pinho, Raquel Rodrigues, Isabel Ferreira;
- on the behalf of École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, France: Marek Czernicki, Andrei Khodakov.
- The discussion of the current state of the project realisation;
- Financial report on the project realisation;
- Discussion of proposed budget adjustment;
- Discussion on the training held by Fachhochschule Münster in Steinfurt, Germany, on 21-25 September 2015;
- Settlement of dates of the next meeting and training.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Vice-President of IPB, prof. Luís Pais, presented briefly the university, major programmes, and international partnership.
Next, the current state of project realisation was discussed. The results of the monitoring visit were presented, which took place on 6 May 2015 in Kraków, and the evaluation of the progress report submitted 30 April 2015. All partners had received beforehand the reports from the monitoring visit as well as the evaluation of the progress report for their information.
Then, the project partners had a long discussion on their views concerning implementing the courses in their programmes. Prof. Dariusz Bogdał, the Project Coordinator, summarised the discussion and settled with partners that every university should complement the description of their action for the next progress report. During the discussion, an idea was proposed to create a joint international study programme at the master’s level which would include all courses from the partner universities.
The next point of agenda concerned the methods of monitoring progress and expenses in the project. It was decided that every partner should send progress reports every 3 months. The partners were also asked to include in the report the methods and tools of evaluation of the achieved results, and the persons involved in them.
After a short break, the budget adjustment was discussed – allocation of funds from the International Project Meetings section to Trainings along with increasing the number of participants in the trainings from 5 to 9-10 persons. Because it was impossible to conduct the first training in a larger group than 15 persons at Fachhochschule Münster (Steinfurt, Germany, 21-25 September 2015) , it was decided that a regular (i.e. not increased) number of participants would take part in this training. The rest of the partners were to consider when and for which number of participants they should organise next trainings.
After these arrangements, prof. Bredol presented the final programme of the first training which was then discussed. The programme was slightly modified afterwards.
The last topic of the meeting concerned the promotion of the project and its results, the internet page and the e-platform where the developed e-learning courses would be established.
In the evening after the meeting, an integrating dinner was held, and on 15 July 2015, an IPB campus tour was organised and a visit to learning and research laboratories as well as to EcoPark Brigantia.